Pliant’s transparent exchange rates

When you use Pliant cards for purchases in a foreign currency, Pliant applies the VISA exchange rate to all transactions. For maximum transparency, Pliant bills it's FX fee of 2.0% separately on a monthly basis, instead of levying it on top of the FX conversion rate applied to transactions. See the exchange rates on this page that you’ll get when you use Pliant cards for foreign currency transactions. Please note that the exchange rates can fluctuate and they may change between the time a transaction is made and the time it is confirmed and added to your organization's credit card billing statement.

Please choose a currency to see our exchange rate.

European Central Bank rate

1 USD = 0.918274 EURDate updated: 21 July 2024

Visa mark-up over ECB rate


Visa rate applied

1 USD = 0.919624 EURDate updated: 21 July 2024

FX fee (billed separately)
