Future Of News, LLC

Custom Development For Media Companies

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Augmented Reality For Newspapers

Make Your Print Display Ads Come To Life!

The new web-based Augmented Reality for Newspapers system from FutureOfNews lets newspapers augment ALL of their print dispay ads, so readers can just point their cellphones at the content and get a wealth of online information. This includes web links, driving directions, click-to-call, add-to-calendar and more.

News articles can be augmented, too!

For an online demo, please use a DESKTOP computer.


The AR system is intended for print readers, but can be simulated online with a desktop computer.

Just point your cellphone at the QR Code to start a session. Then point at an ad below and tap your cellphone screen.

News content can be augmented, as well. Scan the photo to see this in action!

Want to see more? Download a full publication to see how ALL display ads can be augmented:


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FutureOfNews. We're how to keep up with your readers.

FutureOfNews, LLC is an Internet and print development firm that specializes in custom news programming -- including classified ad placement systems, content management tools, interactive news features, contests, promotions and more.

We believe the value of New Media is to improve the core operations of existing media companies -- with tools for better news reportage, customer service and marketing, as well as central databases that efficiently manage information for both print and online use.

Readers will demand to get the news they want, when they want it, and delivered the way they want to get it. They will never again meekly accept news distributed in the way media companies find most convenient. New expectations mean newspapers need new tools -- and new ways of thinking about managing information.


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