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Messages from the archive of Rutherford Hall, critical communications strategist

WhatsApp to Stephen: No I haven’t forgotten that it’s Mental Health Awareness Week in mid-May. I know we missed it last year but I was distracted by World Hypertension Day. I signed off the plan for Earth Day last week. Do you have any demands for Diabetes Week in June? God forbid we spend our time earning money. How about a Securing Revenue Awareness Day?

WhatsApp to Stephen: Yes Mental Health is important and a concern to our staff, it’s just these awareness days are endless. We need a full-time staffer just to manage them. I can see the job ad. Wanted: Awareness Day manager to run global compassion calendar. Must be able to continuously expand their remit. Feels like a job for useless Dan. But, yes. I’m on it. 

I’ve been meaning to post about this for a while but the rapid approach of Mental Health Awareness Week has focused my attention — and of course that’s the whole value of the week.

There’s a lot of awareness days to keep up with but mental health is worth our time. It needs to be at the centre of our thinking on employee welfare. Employers must always be on the lookout for signs. Just checking in with your colleagues can head off problems.

There is an epidemic of anxiety, stress and mental health issues. It’s particularly true among the young, but it goes to the top as well. As leaders we are trained to never show weakness, but that’s yesterday’s thinking. Everyone feels overwhelmed sometimes. If we aren’t honest about our flaws, how can we hope to inspire others? A supportive, non-judgmental workplace should be a baseline. The two watchwords are transparency and kindness. 

WhatsApp to Stephen: Yes I got a very good response to that LinkedIn post. I want us to be a global leader on this. We all need to look out for each other.

From: Rutherford@Monkwellstrategy.com

To: FredJB@Worldfin.co.uk

Thanks Fred, I’m glad you liked the post. I’m sorry to hear about your CEO but am glad you are managing this sensitively. This doesn’t have to be a problem for shareholders or stakeholders. Burnout is not forever. Getting on the front foot, announcing a leave of absence with a rough return date and a strong executive team to step up will build confidence. We have to treat mental health like a cancer diagnosis. He’s taking time off for health reasons and we expect him to make a full recovery. The point is, that played well this makes you look both strong and sensitive



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WhatsApp to Monkwell: Just a note to urge you to read the email on our Mental Health Awareness Week activities and remind you of our support for anyone who needs it. At Monkwell we do not regard being anxious or unwell as a weakness.

WhatsApp to all staff: Just wanted to check in with everyone on the six month anniversary of the Hamas attack. The news coverage was very triggering and if anyone needs some extra support let me know.

WhatsApp to all staff: I know many of you are deeply upset by the crisis in Gaza. If you are personally affected or need support, let us know.

WhatsApp to Stephen: What? How was I taking a side? How is it biased to say people were deeply upset. We sent messages of support over both issues. 

WhatsApp to Stephen: That does it. This office is now a “safe space” for everyone who doesn’t want to talk about Israel/Gaza. We aren’t a global therapist. By the way, what’s going on with Dan? Haven’t seen him for days.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Rubbish. He’s not stressed; he’s useless. He knows he’d have been in performance management a fortnight ago if he hadn’t done this. How do we get rid of the little toerag? If we ride him hard enough he’ll take the hint.

WhatsApp to Stephen: OK. We’ll take this offline. Messages deleted. I’m committed to being supportive over mental health. But only in real cases. And don’t lecture me on walking the walk. We are more in the “talking the talk” business.

WhatsApp to Dan: Hi Dan. I was sorry to hear that. I’m glad my LinkedIn post helped with your anxiety. Thanks for the comments underneath it. Look forward to talking when you feel ready. Take care.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Perhaps Dan’s issues are real. He really responded to my post. Or maybe he’s playing me. We’ll have to back off for now. But I still want him out. Yes we must be kind, but is it really kind to him to keep him here? Mental Health Awareness Week does only last a week, doesn’t it?

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