Michigan's governor and emergency powers: What you need to know

Portrait of Paul Egan Paul Egan
Detroit Free Press

LANSING — Though polls show Michigan residents are generally supportive of Michigan's state of emergency and stay-at-home order as measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the GOP-controlled Legislature are sharply divided over Whitmer's use of her emergency powers.

As lawmakers meet Thursday to consider extending their approval of Michigan's state of emergency, several groups opposed to the stay-at-home order are expected to demonstrate outside the Capitol.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer speaking at the COVID-19 news conference in Lansing Wednesday, April 29, 2020.

Here is an outline of what to know and what to expect, as Thursday unfolds.

Will Michigan's state of emergency end Thursday?

Almost certainly not.

Whitmer, who holds most of the power in a state emergency, wants to extend it by at least 28 days, and said last week that it should remain in effect even beyond that.

The state of emergency should not be confused with the stay-at-home order, which currently runs through May 15 and could be further relaxed by then.

States of emergency are not uncommon in Michigan. Stay-at-home orders are extremely rare.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, Whitmer issued states of emergency related to extremely cold weather in early 2019, Wayne County flooding in the spring of 2019, and heavy rainfall in Lake County in July 2019, among other events.

You have to have a state of emergency to have a stay-at-home order, but it is common to have a state of emergency without a stay-at-home order. 

In addition to the stay-at-home order, Whitmer has used her powers under the state of emergency to halt evictions, close bars and restaurants except for take-out and delivery service, shut down hair and nail salons, barbers, and tattoo parlors, and extend personal protection orders that would have expired because of court closures, among other measures.

For the state of emergency to continue, doesn't the Legislature have to vote to extend it?

Lawyers such as Republican Bruce Timmons, a longtime House judiciary staffer who worked under both Democratic and GOP leadership until his retirement in 2013, say no.

Barring a court ruling to the contrary, Michigan's state of emergency will continue until Whitmer says it is over, regardless of what lawmakers have to say about it, Timmons said.

Why is this question in dispute?

Michigan has two different emergency laws that say two different things about the role of the Legislature.

More:Governor and Legislature headed for major split over state of emergency

That is probably the major factor contributing to confusion.

The Emergency Powers of Governor Act of 1945 gives the governor additional emergency powers, sets no time limit on how long an emergency declared by the governor can last, and sets out no role for the Legislature in approving or extending a state of emergency.

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The Emergency Management Act of 1976 provides the governor with even broader emergency powers. But it says for a state of emergency to continue beyond 28 days, approval of the Legislature is required.

So shouldn't we look to the more recent of the two statutes?

One might think so, except for the fact the more recent act, the Emergency Management Act, says, in part: "This act shall not be construed to ... limit, modify or abridge the authority of the governor to proclaim a state of emergency" under the 1945 law, The Emergency Powers of Governor Act.

So why is Whitmer even asking the Legislature for an extension?

Whitmer has cited two reasons.

First, it is always best in an emergency for the governor and the Legislature to work in unison, whenever possible.

Secondly, the Emergency Management Act, which has wider scope and more detail than the Emergency Powers of Governor Act, includes one detail Whitmer says she wants to keep.

It sets out immunity from civil liability for first responders and medical professionals for actions they take in response to the emergency.

How might this impasse be resolved?

Strong disagreements between the executive and legislative branches of state branch sometimes end up in front of state government's third branch — the judiciary.

For the coronavirus emergency, that has not happened — yet.

Contact Paul Egan: 517-372-8660 or pegan@freepress.com. Follow him on Twitter @paulegan4Read more on Michigan politics and sign up for our elections newsletter.