Your COVID-19 vaccine card: What to do if you lost it, why you should laminate it

Portrait of Amy Huschka Amy Huschka
Detroit Free Press

Maybe this goes without saying, but don't destroy or lose your COVID-19 vaccine card once you get it.

In fact, you may want to take a picture of your card — it will last longer. (Just make sure it's not a selfie.)

At your first vaccination appointment, you should have received a CDC vaccination card that tells you what COVID-19 vaccine you received, the date you received it and where you received it.

You will need to bring your vaccination card with you to your second vaccination appointment if you received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, so your provider can fill in the information about your second dose. Johnson & Johnson is a one-shot vaccine.

I lost my COVID-19 vaccine card! What do I do?

If you did not receive a COVID-19 vaccination card at your first appointment, contact the vaccination provider (Ford Field, Rite Aid, Henry Ford, etc.) where you got your first shot to find out how you can get a card. Same goes if you lost your vaccination card.

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If you cannot contact your vaccination provider directly, contact your state health department’s immunization information system (IIS). Vaccination providers are required to report COVID-19 vaccinations to their IIS and related systems. Michigan's IIS information can be found here. The CDC doesn't have vaccination record information. For more information on Michigan immunizations, click here

If you enrolled in v-safe or VaxText after your first vaccine dose, you can access your vaccination information there.

The CDC recommends keeping your vaccination card in case you need it for future use. And to consider taking a picture of your vaccination card as a backup copy.

And to keep your vaccination card even more secure, Office Depot and Office Max (they merged) will laminate your card for free until July 25. Just don't forget to clip the coupon

Staples is also joining in. The Hill reports Staples customers can use the coupon code 81450 to get their vaccine card laminated. CNN reports a company spokesperson said the lamination is available at all U.S. locations does not yet have an end date.

But just don't take a selfie with your vaccination card, according to consumer watchdogs. 

"Unfortunately, your card has your full name and birthday on it, as well as information about where you got your vaccine," the Better Business Bureau warns.

"If your social media privacy settings aren’t set high, you may be giving valuable information away for anyone to use."

Vaccinating Michigan:Tracking the progress of the state's COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Health:Doctors urge women to delay mammogram until 4-6 weeks after COVID-19 vaccine

And your vaccination is even more valuable if you head to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

From now until the end of 2021, you can get a free Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut when you show your vaccination card as proof. 

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