Contacts & Resources

Discount Window & Payment System Risk Contact Information for Dallas

General Inquiries

Discount Window Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. (CST)

Discount Rates:

(877) 682-3256

Toll Free Phone

(214) 922-5334

Fax Number

Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility (PPPLF)
Contact Information

The following contact information is to be used when submitting PPPLF related documents.

PPPLF Phone:

(855) 833-2465

Mailing Address:
Credit and Risk Management/3rd Floor
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201-2272

Resources and Information

Legal Agreements
The 11th District's Discount Window Required Legal Agreements can be found on the OC-10 Agreements page.

Pledging Securities to FRB Dallas
Instructions for Pledging Securities to the 11th District

BIC Application
Application to Pledge Loans to the 11th District

BIC Program Requirements
Requirements for Institutions Pledging Loans to the 11th District

BIC Certification Questionnaire
Required from Institutions Pledging Collateral in a Borrower-In-Custody of Collateral Arrangement

Secure Email Getting Started Guide
Federal Reserve's Secure Message Center to Send and Receive Encrypted E-mails and Attach Documents