School in Rialto at center of controversy over sex abuse reporting protocols

A school in Rialto is at the center of controversy over whether protocols were followed in an alleged sexual battery case.

A TikTok video included in FOX 11's story above shows a confrontation between a Rialto parent and a school administrator with Carter High School. The mother, Stephanie Olivares, was in a shouting match with the school's vice principal for not contacting her about her husband about an alleged sexual assault against her 16-year-old daughter.

The alleged incident and the school's handling of the alleged incident prompted classmates and families to hold a protest at Carter High School.

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FOX 11 obtained a statement released by the Rialto Police Department on Tuesday. The Rialto PD said officers were told of a sexual battery case at Carter High School. 

Rialto PD was initially told that a 15-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a 17-year-old boy several times over the past three months. When police investigated the allegations, they learned there were two additional female victims, ages 15 and 16, who were sexually assaulted by the same suspect. 

"Although one of the victims first reported the assaults to school officials in September 2021, no notification was made to the Rialto Police Department until February 16th," Rialto PD said in a statement.

Rialto PD is now investigating the reason for the delay in the reporting from school officials to the department.

Below is the copy of Rialto PD's statement:

The teen suspect was cited and eventually released back into the custody of his parents pending criminal charges being filed, Rialto PD said.

Rialto PD announced in its statement that it is recommending criminal charges to the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office for review regarding the "failure of two school officials to report the incident in accordance with California State mandated reporting laws."

While police are recommending the school officials to be charged, it is unknown if the San Bernardino County DA's Office will charge the teen suspect connected to the alleged sexual battery incidents.

Anyone with information on any of the alleged incidents is asked to call 909-820-2632.

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