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Chef John Tesar's Tips On How To Choose The Perfect Restaurant Steak

Updated Apr 30, 2017, 11:28pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

John Tesar is known as a chef of many opinions, and his views on steak are no exception. Getting him chatting about his experiments with dry aging, his thoughts on animal husbandry, and why butter on steak is a cardinal sin elicits an impassioned and thoughtful take on the process. “Oddly enough, growing up in New York and living there for 43 years and leaving after 9/11, it's ironic that a seafood chef moved to Texas and became a self proclaimed steak expert,” says Tesar, who runs a Dallas steakhouse, Knife, and has also recently written a cookbook on steak. “But I love the flavor of steak and I've always eaten it, even as a child.”

Here are Tesar’s tips on how to choose the best steak when you go out to eat: what to look for in every step from when you first open the menu to taking that all-important first bite. 

Do you know how to get the best steak on the menu?

Photo courtesy of John Tesar.

Decoding the menu: You’ve been seated in your plush chair ready for the concerted onslaught of carnivorous carnage to begin. But as your server hands you a leather bound tome to peruse, your head starts to swim with the array of menu descriptors, from the provenance of each animal to dry aging times. Where to begin?

For Tesar, who uses steaks from Texas producers 44 Farms and HeartBrand Beef’s Akaushi cattle at his restaurant, one of the key elements to a good steak starts at the farm. “It's a combination of things: the animal husbandry, tracking of the genetics, the feed program, and then dry aging  removing moisture, blood and impurities — make it a good steak. And then the rest is kind of technique and consistency.” Tesar uses cows that have been fed a special mix of sorghum, molasses, cottonseed and silage, and prefers a diet that minimizes corn, working with Texas Tech and the Beef Council of Texas to research the effects of feed on dry aging. “Those highly corn fed animals, I find that they tend to deteriorate and ammoniate and striate after a certain period of time,” he says.

Tesar compares dry aging to the winemaking process, where the natural elements of the initial ingredient will create variations in the end result. “I take a cow and I age it and, like a bottle of wine, they're all going to taste different at a certain point,” he says. “And we've learned that there are actually peaks and valleys in the aging process: I’ve tried steak that was terrible at 50 days and amazing at 150 days. You have to have that attention to detail, like a winemaker, and taste the meat every once in a while.”

For Tesar, the sweet spot for aging when it comes to steak, although it depends on the animal, is 90 and 150 days for Akaushi and 44 Farms steaks. He uses a dry-aging method that he credits to chef Adam Perry Lang’s process at Mario Batali’s and Joe Bastianich’s Las Vegas restaurant, CarneVino, which uses white mold. “To me, the white mold brings out the sweetness, not that funk of black mold, and kills out any of the bad bacteria, just like penicillin would. It allows the animal to really show itself and the aging process to not only be a little healthier but a little more scientifically safe,” says Tesar.

Order up: As the waiter arrives, there are more hurdles to cross before your feast begins: choices of doneness, cuts and cooking methods. Questions abound, but you’ve done your homework and you’re prepared to field even the toughest of queries.

Although the hero items on a steakhouse menu often focus on the tenderness of a filet mignon or the meaty richness of a ribeye, Tesar advises looking at lesser known cuts. “Chuck flap can be inconsistent due to the size of the animal and how far you can go into the flap (it’s one cut past the ribeye.) But it will eat like one of the most expensive steaks you've ever had in your life,” says Tesar. “Flat iron has tremendous flavour and it eats lean, and it's healthy and I think it has more character and a little bit more chew than filet mignon.” He also sous vides culotte and tri tip at 130 degrees and then finishes them over a white oak fire, borrowing a technique from barbecue. “I did it for Texas just to give them a little bit of smoke because customers like it, and it gets rid of that insipid bag flavour,” he says. “The first time I opened up a sous vide bag, I asked, are we really going to use that? It smells fermented. White and red oak has a very mild and gentle flavour of smoke and I like the flavor profile.”

Like many chefs, Tesar eschews the idea of well-done steak. “You should never eat a steak past medium, and I would think that anything dry aged, you should just suck it up and eat it medium rare, because otherwise you're wasting your money,” he says. “A steak that's too rare and cold, I don't think shows anything very well. Medium rare gives you the best of both worlds: some Maillard and some interior temperature and it also tightens up the muscle tissue a little bit and there's still enough moisture through that cooking process.”

“And if you're a little squeamish, then medium still reveals the quality of the steak. Even moreso, if the steak tastes great at medium and medium well, you know that you've had a great steak, but you probably should have eaten it medium rare.”

When it comes to steak, Tesar also advises that size does matter. “In my philosophy, I think that ribeyes and sirloins need to be cut a minimum of two inches, 30 to 36 ounces. It needs to have the bone left in and it’s best served from a steak broiler that has 800,000 to a million BTUs because it renders all of that fat cap. The rib eye is the fattiest part of the animal, so you need to render that fat, and you do need the structure and the collagen of the bone so it doesn't twist.” Lest you think you must stuff yourself like the proverbial fatted goose, fear not: sharing is key with this size of steak. “You can really buy an $85 steak and split it between three or four people,” says Tesar. “With a steak so rich, you need to have that girth to it, otherwise by the time you get the Maillard reaction, it’s ruined. Theoretically, we're taking something at 1,000 degrees and cooking it to a 135 degrees. That's a very visceral, very aggressive cooking. You want to keep the natural aspects of the animal to reveal itself in the cooking process, especially with such an edible animal as a cow.”

Boneless cuts such as filet mignon, which typically come in a more modest size, can be eaten individually. Tesar’s ideal portion size is about six to eight ounces. “It's healthier for you. I might want to eat more, but I would suggest to eat it more frequently, but eat less of it,” he says.

The first cut: It’s the moment of truth — the steak has arrived at the table in all its glory. As you reach forward, steak knife at the ready, here are a few things to look for in that first bite.

First, take a look at the color of the steak. Tesar expects his steak to be almost chocolate to ebony brown, with properly rendered fat. “Fat is edible to a certain extent, especially on dry aged steak,” he says. “I had a 400 day dry aged steak the other day and the fat tasted like a steak. Basically, you're making lardo at that point -- it has a different mouthfeel, a different texture.”

With the first cut, beyond checking that the steak is cooked to the correct doneness, Tesar also looks for evenness in cooking. “With a thick steak, I don't want any exaggerated grey ring on either side of the steak, and the whole thing to be medium rare, almost like it was cooked sous vide,” he says. “I want the butcher to have cut that steak straight, so there's no variance. I should be able to put a level on that steak, so to speak, so it's level with the bone and there's no indentations.” 

That first bite, with the salty, savory juices flooding into the tastebuds, can also register some important information. “It should be all one type of initial mouthfeel, with no separation or distinction,” says Tesar. “There should be moisture and richness, followed by the crunchiness of the Maillard heightened by a crust of salt and pepper, that takes that really rich, moist meat and gives it a personality.”

With a dry aged steak past 60 days, there will be a noticeable funk. A traditional dry aged steak will have notes of blue cheese (a flavor Tesar hates), but with the white mold, he compares the flavor to truffles and the nuttiness of popcorn. 

Don’t rush the experience of that first bite, either. “Part of eating dry aged steak is that you've got to realize you've taken all of the moisture out of a steak and you have to let your mouth rehydrate it and give it some time and that's why you don't need to eat a lot of it because it really is concentrated. It's the power of reduction,” he says.

And what about that butter finish? Don’t get Tesar started. “For me, putting butter on a steak is sacrilegious. It's masking the flavor, preventing you from tasting what you're really eating,” he says vehemently. “Butter is a crutch on a steak, if you ask me.” 

To learn about John Tesar’s experiments with dry aged foie gras, check out part two of this interview: Trimming The Fat: Chef John Tesar Talks About Making 500 Day Dry Aged Foie Gras.

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