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BP’s Big Writedown: A Harbinger For A Declining Industry Or Of A Struggling Company?

Updated Jun 16, 2020, 09:24am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

The big news in the oil and gas industry on Monday came from BP in the form of an asset write-down of $13 to $17.5 billion. That number would represent the largest industry write-down since BP itself took a hit of $32 billion in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Having already made clear its intent to lead the major integrated companies towards what it calls the “energy transition” to a more renewable-heavy global energy mix, BP’s management also attributes this write-down to what it believes will be the long-lasting negative impacts to global crude oil demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the years to come. At the same time that it gave notice of its intent to include this major write-down as a part of its second quarter results, the company also said it was cutting its long-term projection for average Brent crude prices from $70 to $55 per barrel.

Finally, the company also said it was in the process of “reviewing its intent to develop some of its oil and gas fields, which haven’t so far been fully tapped.” That will certainly come as welcome news to the anti-fossil fuel “leave it in the ground” lobby that has been pushing oil companies to make exactly these sorts of decisions in recent years. This write-down warning comes on the heels of last week’s announcement that the company would lay off 10,000 of its employees globally, a move that was also couched by management as part of its plan to prepare for the “energy transition.”

Of course, the question will now become whether BP’s announcement turns out to be a harbinger of things to come for an industry that some presume is slowly dying. Alternatively, this write-down could just be the latest measure being taken by a company struggling with a very high debt load and which still has not completely recovered from the devastating financial impacts it suffered as a result of that Deepwater Horizon disaster. That question will no doubt create furious debate among industry participants and analysts, but we will know a year from now by observing whether other majors and corporate independents follow BP’s lead and adopt its “energy transition” narrative into their company talking points.

Luke Parker, vice-president, corporate analysis, at Wood Mackenzie, said that, either way, the move is a big deal for BP. “The impairment shouldn’t come as a big surprise. The risks were clearly flagged in BP’s 2019 annual report. While these are non-cash charges, with no bearing on cash flows, the implications – near-term and long-term – are very real. In the longer term, this is about BP’s strategic shift away from oil and gas. While that will be a multi-decade affair, BP is already getting to grips with the idea its upstream assets are worth less than it believed as recently as six months ago. Indeed, some of them are worth nothing. Big picture, we see this as another step in the re-rating of oil and gas, and the journey from ‘Big oil’ to ‘Big Energy’.”

No one can doubt that this COVID-19 pandemic has had major, devastating impacts on the global economy that will reverberate for years to come. But already we have seen signs that the recovery may be more rapid and stronger than many anticipate. May’s jobs gain in the U.S. of 2.51 million vs. an expected loss of more than 8 million was one such indicator. As this piece was being drafted Tuesday morning, the U.S. government reported that retail sales leapt by 17.7% during May, as opposed to consensus expectations by the “experts” of about an 8% increase.

Similarly, analyst firms like Wood MacKenzie, IHS Markit and Rystad Energy have all projected that the depths of global oil demand destruction were passed in April and expect demand to return to January 1 levels in early 2021. With worldwide population continuing to increase, especially in developing nations that will continue to need access to affordable and plentiful energy that only so-called fossil fuels can provide, BP’s expectation of a more rapid transition to a more renewable-heavy energy mix could take longer than its management appears to anticipate.

But who knows - the company’s management could also turn out to be prophetic. We will probably know for sure a year from now.

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