About David Koch
  • David Koch, who controlled Koch Industries, the second largest private U.S. firm, with his brother Charles, died in August 2019 at age 79.
  • Koch stepped down from his role as executive vice president in July 2018, citing health concerns; he was named director emeritus.
  • Koch Industries, which has revenues of $110 billion, refines crude oil, produces fertilizer and makes Dixie cups and Quilted Northern toilet paper.
  • The well-known philanthropist gave more than $1.3 billion away to such institutions as New York's Lincoln Center and Memorial-Sloan Kettering.
  • Koch ran as the Libertarian Party's vice presidential candidate in 1980 on a ticket with Ed Clark; they won 1% of the vote.
Wealth History

Forbes Lists

Billionaires (2019)Dropped off in 2020
Forbes 400 (2018)Dropped off in 2019
Powerful People (2015)Dropped off in 2016
Personal Stats
Source of Wealth
Koch Industries
Self-Made Score
Philanthropy Score
United States
Bachelor of Arts/Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Master of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Did you know
A college basketball star, Koch held MIT's record for most points scored in a game for 46 years.
Koch survived a runway plane collision in 1991; he felt his way down the aisle and pried open a door to escape.
In Their Own Words

The way I look at it is, cancer research is absolutely nonpartisan. Cancer is very democratic in the sense that it attacks people regardless of their race, their gender, their national background, or their political persuasions.

David Koch

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