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Updated Jun 6, 2013, 12:20pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Moscow, Feb. 2: From my room in the Hotel Baltschug I am looking at the pink dawn spreading over the city. Suddenly, three white vans screech up to the building across the street: the headquarters of Sibneft, one of Russia's largest oil companies. A dozen men in ski masks and camouflage and armed with automatic rifles muscle their way inside.

These were neither gangsters nor terrorists. They were members of the Federal Security Service and investigators from the prosecutor general's office, and they were invading the empire of Russia's most powerful corporate tycoon, Boris Berezovsky. Officially, the investigators were interested in a private security company, linked with Berezovsky, which is being investigated for possessing illegal eavesdropping equipment that may have been used to spy on members of President Boris Yeltsin's family. More important to Russia's future, the raid signaled that the government of Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov is determined to wrest control of Russia's economy away from Berezovsky and the other oligarchs (see FORBES GLOBAL, Sept. 7, 1998, and Nov. 16, 1998). Note: Berezovsky and his business associate Nikolai Glushkov are suing FORBES for libel in London over its Dec. 30, 1996, article "Godfather of the Kremlin?"

Two days later, police sent a confirming signal when they raided the offices of Aeroflot, Russia's national airline (1997 revenues: $1.4 billion). The prosecutor's office announced a criminal investigation into possible currency law violations by the airline. The prosecutor's office has told FORBES that it is looking for evidence of fraud, embezzlement and tax evasion. Aeroflot has long had close ties to Boris Berezovsky.

Two weeks later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case on the same charges against Russia's largest automaker, Avtovaz.

Berezovsky made his first fortune as Avtovaz's principal dealer and sealed his relationship with a series of cross-shareholding arrangements.

These raids and criminal investigations suggest that Russia's early stages of capitalism (primitive accumulation, the Marxists might have called it) are drawing to a close. It's impossible to predict what will follow, but whatever it is, it's almost bound to be an improvement over the miserable lives most Russians now live.

In an interview with this reporter in 1996, Berezovsky made a fascinating observation. "Privatization in Russia goes through three stages," he said. "First, the privatization of profits; second, the privatization of property; third, the privatization of debts."

From the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991 until now, Russia has struggled along in Berezovsky's first stage. In it, the idea has been to gain control of a company's revenue stream, without taking over the company itself.

Berezovsky's relationship with Aeroflot appears to be a textbook example of what he sees as the first stage of privatization. In the autumn of 1995 Aeroflot was one of the crown jewels of Russian industry.

It owned landing rights all over the world and relatively new aircraft and generated a steady stream of foreign-exchange revenues. The state kept a 51% interest in the company but privatized the other 49% by giving it to Aeroflot's management and employees.

Aeroflot's veteran general director, Vladimir Tikhonov, was replaced by Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, a marshal of the Soviet Air Force who knew little about business. Berezovsky's old friend and business associate Nikolai Glushkov was named Shaposhnikov's deputy and the airline's powerful chief financial officer, with the unilateral right to sign financial contracts on Aeroflot's behalf. Other Berezovsky business associates took up key Aeroflot management positions.

To "privatize" Aeroflot's profits, Glushkov began moving the airline's money back and forth within a network of Berezovsky-linked financial companies established in Russia and abroad (see chart, p. 22).

In May 1996 a letter went out to the airline's 152 foreign offices, ordering them to remit up to 80% of their foreign-currency revenues to Andava S.A., an obscure financial company in Lausanne, Switzerland. The letter was signed by Marshal Shaposhnikov, who would later tell Russian journalists that he had been ordered to sign by Glushkov.

What was Andava S.A.? Set up in 1994 with help from the big Swiss commodities trader Andr & Cie., Andava had served as a foreign treasury center of Avtovaz until the automaker was nearly bankrupted. Now Andava was to help Aeroflot centralize its foreign receivables and pay its foreign bills. Andava would manage Aeroflot's money on a trust basis, using an account at the Union Bank of Switzerland.

The decision to set up a foreign treasury center was a crucial step for the company -- after all, foreign revenues are Aeroflot's lifeblood.

Yet Aeroflot made no mention of Andava in its annual reports. And for good reason. The minutes of an Andava board meeting in Lausanne in February 1996 listed its shareholders as Berezovsky, with 37%; Glushkov, 34%; Andr & Cie., 21%. (Owners of the remaining 8% were unidentified.)

Why would Aeroflot, which used to handle its own foreign-currency operations through its Center for International Payments, use an obscure financial company? "I don't know," says Christian Maret, head of the Andr & Cie. office in Moscow. "I can only guess."

This much is clear. Andava and its owners did a very nice business with Aero-flot. According to the May 1997 contract between Andava and Aeroflot, Andava receives a commission of 3.125% on all the funds it handles for the airline. Later, the Russian prosecutor's office tells FORBES, Andava's fee was reduced to 2.5% -- still exorbitant compared with the tiny fraction of a percent big banks typically charge for cash-
management services.

In 1997, the prosecutor's office adds, Andava earned $11 million from its Aeroflot dealings. Not bad for an operation with half a dozen employees.

What does Andava do with the money it earns from Aeroflot? It lends it right back to the airline -- for instance, a $14 million loan in June 1997. Based on interest rates paid by Aeroflot to other Berezovsky-
linked companies, the rates Andava charged Aeroflot for its services were probably sky-high.

In April 1996, Berezovsky and Glushkov established, through Andava, another finance company called FOK (Finansovaya Obedinennaya Kompaniya --meaning United Finance Corp.). Registered in Moscow, FOK signed a contract with Aeroflot to pay some of the airline's foreign bills -- $139 million in 1996 and $82 million in the first half of 1997. FOK didn't actually pay the bills -- it passed them on to an offshore company called Grangeland Holdings Ltd. Grangeland is registered in Dublin, Ireland, a city that is displacing Luxembourg as a favored domicile for offshore companies (see "Dublin is hungry,"FORBES GLOBAL, Feb. 8).

The FOK-Grangeland bill-paying operation cost Aeroflot dearly. In the first half of 1997 the airline paid FOK and Grangeland at least $29 million in "penalties" on this operation. And that may not be the full extent of the losses Aeroflot suffered from the FOK-Grangeland combination.

Here's how it worked. Say Aeroflot owed British Petroleum $500,000 for jet fuel. Aeroflot would pass the bill to FOK in Moscow, which would pass it to Grangeland in Dublin, which paid the bill. For its service, Grangeland charged FOK interest at an annual rate of 30% -- in U.S.
dollars. FOK passed this interest expense on to Aeroflot and tacked on its own interest charges that worked out to nearly 50% a year, in dollars.

FOK was doing well, but the Russian Treasury was left empty-handed.

According to its confidential 1996 annual report, FOK wiped out 97% of its pretax profits with "foreign-exchange losses." The FOK annual report makes it clear that FOK's losses were Grangeland's gain.

What or who is Grangeland? The Dublin address is just a postbox.

Grangeland's shareholders include two Panamanian companies. Grangeland has two directors; both are employed by the small Swiss accounting firm that services Andava.

Given the huge problem of Russian capital flight (the root cause of the destruction of the ruble), the Russian Central Bank tries to enforce stringent rules on repatriation of foreign-exchange revenues. How, then, does Aeroflot manage to channel hard currency to Andava, FOKand Grangeland? "Aeroflot is not subject to that [Central Bank] regulation,"
says William Ferrero, Andava's Lausanne-based general director. "It is exempted by a central bank license."

That is true today, but it was not always the case. Aeroflot applied for its foreign-exchange exemption license on July 5, 1996. Officials at the Central Bank demurred, but in March 1997 Aeroflot got a new general director: Valery Okulov, a former Aeroflot navigator. Like his predecessor, Marshal Shaposhnikov, Okulov was not an experienced airline executive, but his wife Yelena is Boris Yeltsin's daughter. Within two months of Okulov's appointment, the Central Bank gave Aeroflot a license exempting the airline from Russia's currency repatriation rules -- rules that the prosecutor's office says Aeroflot may have been violating for over a year.

As the authorities dig into Aeroflot's books, another small company in Lausanne has caught their eye. This one is called Forus Services S.A.

Like Andava, Forus was established by Berezovsky, Glushkov and Andr &
Cie. Its job is to act as Aeroflot's financial consultant and intermediary with Western banks. Forus also helped set up Obedinenny Bank, which serves as Aeroflot's banker in Russia.

Russian authorities say they are looking into why, in 1996, Forus took a chunk of the $244 million Aeroflot was paid by foreign airlines for their Russian overflight and landing rights. Forus responds that it went to repay some private loans it had made to Aeroflot.

At least until 1997, both Berezovsky and Glushkov were directors and shareholders of Forus and Andava. Today, Forus and Andava officials insist that neither man is a shareholder of either corporation. Then who is? Difficult to say. The owners are the holders of anonymous bearer shares. On both Andava's and Forus' boards appear two Swiss lawyers and Alain Mayor, a Swiss financier and longtime Berezov-sky ally.

Still holding a 51% equity interest in Aeroflot, the Russian government is understandably curious about who benefits from the business that for over three years Aeroflot has been doing with the offshore companies.

This much is clear: Since it found itself under Berezovsky's influence, Aeroflot has floundered. The company lost $82 million in 1996, $93 million in 1997 and probably much more last year. Last spring Aeroflot begged old partner Andr & Cie. to increase a syndicated loan by $17 million to cover a cash shortage. A few months later Canadian authorities impounded an Aeroflot plane because the airline had failed to pay a $6 million bill to a Canadian hotel operator.

Until recently, Berezovsky's relationship to Boris Yeltsin protected him from Moscow's tax authorities and the investigators from the General Prosecutor's office. But this protection may be evaporating. On the same day the police raided Aeroflot's offices, Yeltsin's son-in-law Valery Okulov fired several top managers and directors -- including all the remaining Berezovsky associates (Glushkov had left Aeroflot management several months earlier). At a press conference Okulov railed against "intermediaries" and "contracts unfavorable to Aeroflot" relating to foreign ticket sales and financial operations. Okulov also announced that he would terminate the special relationship between Aeroflot and Andava.

The era of "privatizing profits"at Aeroflot appears, finally, to be drawing to a close.