Lurking near the Mississippi River is a crack in the earth’s crust. Geologists say it could shift, propel dirt 60 feet into the air, kill nearly 1,000 people and topple Elvis’s Graceland mansion in Memphis.

It’s already burst, and more than once. In 1811 and 1812, when only a few pioneers lived here, the so-called “New Madrid Fault” caused a quake with enough energy to rattle teacups in far-away New England. By some accounts, the 7.5 magnitude tremor made the Mississippi River flow backwards. It rivaled the infamous one in San Francisco in 1906 as the largest boneshaker in the continental U.S., and it happened—not once—but three times within a single dark winter.

Could it happen again? Experts are divided on both if and when. But recent activity in this area of southern Missouri—often known as the “Bootheel”—came in 2017 and included a 3.7 magnitude shock. It also reminded geologists in the adjacent states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee, that there is still a big and vulnerable scar in the earth.

“A magnitude 7 earthquake similar to New Madrid would affect almost 12 million people and cause at least $200 billion in damage,” said Polly Sturgeon, a coordinator of Indiana University’s Indiana Geological and Water Survey at a webinar this year. That’s bigger than Hurricane Katrina, the largest hurricane in terms of damage ever to hit the U.S.

Ring of Fire—Or “Rift”

Most people don’t see Mid-America as an epicenter for earthquakes. It’s not located on the infamous volcanic “Ring of Fire” that loops around the West Coast via the San Andreas Fault, moves up to Alaska and then crosses the Pacific to send tsunamis crashing into Japan. Earthquakes in California, like the devastating Northridge temblor near Los Angeles, or those in Alaska, are caused by the grinding of huge tectonic plates far under the earth’s surface and they represent 95% of seismic activity.

“But our area of the Central U.S. is No. 3 for earthquake hazards due to our unique geology,” Sturgeon said. That’s because a billion years ago the continental plate under the country was pulled apart in what geologists call a “rift” and never healed.

So Midwest shakes are a different breed than California quakes, but can be just as fierce when they happen. The terrain in this area is similar to Christchurch, New Zealand, according to Hilda Booth, who runs the earthquake program at the Arkansas Emergency Management Division. There a 6.3 magnitude quake killed 185 people, caused nearby rock walls to tumble and sent huge spouts of earth boiling into the air in a phenomenon called liquification.

Geologists say the likelihood of a magnitude 7.5 to 8.0 shock along the New Madrid Fault within the next 50 years is fairly small at 7% to 10%, but the odds go up to between 28% to 46% for a 6.0 to 7.0 magnitude upheaval during the same time frame.

In fact, it could be sooner. “We’re overdue for a sizable quake that could cause a huge disruption in our lives,” observes Booth.

A Dying Fault?

But there’s a contrary opinion. Some geologists think the New Madrid Fault may be “shutting down” and what people feel now are just “aftershocks” of the quakes that rocked the Bootheel in the 1800s.

Another theory is that the fault may actually have migrated northward, and that Illinois will face the next convulsion.

There’s no lack of opinions about what’s happening deep within the earth, but the U.S Geological Survey is convinced that the New Madrid fault remains alive and residents living on top of it—and who intend to be around for the next 50 years—should prepare for the possibility of another big quake.

Buying Earthquake Insurance

There is insurance for earthquake damage, but don’t look for it in your homeowners insurance policy. You won’t have this type of coverage unless you specifically ask and pay for it as a separate policy or “rider” to your current property policy.

“Millions of people across 42 states are at risk from an earthquake, yet relatively few buy it,” says spokesperson Mark Friedlander of the Insurance Information Institute, which represents property-casualty insurers.

Midwesterners keep their eyes fixated on tornadoes but have the lowest rate of buying earthquake insurance in the country—16%, according to the Insurance Information Institute. That’s slightly higher than a few years ago, but still below the western U.S., where 28% of homeowners insurance policyholders have earthquake insurance. Consider Californians lucky as they can buy coverage from the California Earthquake Authority, as well as from private insurers.

By comparison, homeowners in other parts of the country also buy earthquake insurance more frequently than Midwesterners:

  • Northeast: 21%
  • South: 25%

Like most insurance, earthquake insurance has a deductible. A deductible is the amount subtracted from an insurance claim check.

Earthquake insurance deductibles are usually 10% to 20% of the home’s coverage limit. Assuming a 10% deductible, that means a $300,000 home would have to have more than $30,000 in damage before the owner is paid.

Earthquake insurance for a solid brick house will cost more than a wooden one because a wood frame will withstand ground stress better. Insurers also rate regions on a 1-to-5 scale in terms of likelihood of a quake, so a “frame house in the Pacific Northwest might cost up to $3 per $1,000 of coverage while the same home in New England costs only 50 cents per $1,000,” says Friedlander of the Insurance Information Institute.

Many earthquake policies don’t cover “masonry veneer,” which is the brick or stonework that sides your house. If that’s the case with your house, the veneer’s value will usually be subtracted from the total cost of your claim before the deductible is applied, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. That means the cost to repair the home would be based on using siding materials, which cost less than brick or stone. To avoid getting less money than you need to rebuild with brick or stone, be sure to ask your insurer if masonry veneer is covered or not.

Older homes may cost more to insure because building codes, particularly in states like California, have gotten tougher.

Earthquake insurance may be too expensive for many. In New Madrid County in Missouri, for example, the poverty rate is more than 22%. “We’re working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to make it more affordable,” says Jeff Briggs of the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency.

Farther south along the river in eastern Arkansas, homeowners are more afraid of flooding than earthquakes, but much of the population can’t even afford flood insurance policies, says Booth. Flooding also isn’t covered under home insurance.

Covering Your Head

The right insurance may provide financial support to those affected, but what do you do when an earthquake is on top of and underneath you? Arkansas earthquake program manager Booth has some practical suggestions:

  • Don’t run outside if you feel the ground shaking. There’s a strong likelihood you’ll be injured by falling debris. Move anything away from the doors that could block your exit.
  • Find a safe place inside your home. Drop to your hands and knees, crawl under a desk or table and hold onto one of the legs for support. If you have to be in the open, cover your face and neck. Steer clear of large furniture, such as a bureau or mirror, that could fall on you.
  • Prepare an emergency kit in advance with supplies that can be used if roads are blocked and you’re cut off from stores.

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