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The Forbes Advisor Philosophy

At Forbes Advisor we take our mission seriously—to make smart financial decisions simple. Our editorial process is free of any outside influence from insurance companies and anyone else. You’ll find the same basic coverage types from almost any home insurer, so we rate insurers based on their average costs and extra coverage types that we find especially valuable. We know that your home is likely one of your biggest assets and that it deserves proper protection.

How Forbes Advisor Rates Home Insurance Companies

We use the following factors in our ratings.

Home insurance rates icon Home insurance rates
We calculate the average rates for each insurance company for homes with dwelling coverage of $200,000, $350,000, $500,000 and $750,000. These amounts represent a wide range of homes. 
Source: Quadrant Information Services
Why it’s important to consumers icon Why it’s important to consumers
With homeowners experiencing painful rate increases across the country, cost is becoming a barrier to finding quality insurance. We understand the cost is often the primary factor in a buying decision.

Complaints icon Complaints
We only use data for upheld complaints—meaning complaints that state departments of insurance verified as valid. This complaint data is not skewed by fake reviews or consumers who have unsubstantiated gripes. 
Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Why it’s important to consumers icon Why it’s important to consumers
Complaints are a window into how an insurer does when it comes to paying claims, delays in claim payments and other problems. Consumers need to make decisions based on legitimate complaints, not inaccurate company reviews or suspicious ratings.

Availability of extended and/or guaranteed replacement cost coverage icon Availability of extended and/or guaranteed replacement cost coverage 
These coverage upgrades provide extra funds above the dwelling coverage amount listed in your policy. 

Source: Forbes Advisor research into state insurance filings

Why it’s important to consumers icon Why it’s important to consumers
Expanded dwelling coverage is valuable if your house is destroyed.  Construction costs can spike due to demand or inflation and eclipse your coverage amount. Not all companies offer this type of expanded coverage, so it’s something to look for when you’re shopping for the best home insurance.

Banned dog lists icon Banned dog lists
Banned dog breed lists can make homeowners ineligible for coverage or result in a surcharge simply for owning the breed. While any homeowners insurance company will likely (and rightfully) deny coverage for a dog with a history of biting or aggression, banned dog lists apply a one-size-fits-all rule to dogs who may pose no threat.

Source: Forbes Advisor research into state insurance filings

Why it’s important to consumers icon Why it’s important to consumers
When companies have pre-set lists of banned breeds it can be difficult for owners of those breeds to find insurance even if the dog is well-trained and well-behaved. Not all insurers have banned breed lists, so it’s something to consider if you have certain dogs such as a pit bull, Rottweiler, Akita or other breeds.

Our Methodology Process

Our Methodology Process

Star Ratings Methodology for Our Best Home Insurance List

We use weighting so our scores reflect the most important aspects of the best home insurance.

Best Home Insurance Companies of 2024

  • Home insurance rates: 50% of score
  • Complaints: 20% of score
  • Availability of extended and/or guaranteed replacement cost coverage: 20% of score
  • Banned dog lists: 10% of score

Cheapest Home Insurance Companies of 2024

  • Home insurance rates for $200,000 coverage: 20% of score
  • Home insurance rates for $350,000 coverage: 20% of score
  • Home insurance rates for $500,000 coverage: 20% of score
  • Home insurance rates for $750,000 coverage: 20% of score
  • Complaints: 20% of score

Why You Can Trust Our Home Insurance Team

As buyers of home insurance ourselves—and with more claims than we care to think about—we understand the importance of a good home insurance company. We take a data-driven approach to scoring companies—an approach without subjective opinions or guesswork. Each company is scored on a level playing field with the others, and we’re always excited to see who the top companies will be when we do the final calculations.

Forbes Advisor Home Insurance Editorial Team

Expert Round-Up: How to Choose the Best Health Insurance for You
Les Masterson

Forbes Advisor Editor

Les Masterson

Les Masterson is a deputy editor and insurance analyst at Forbes Advisor. He has been a journalist, reporter, editor and content creator for more than 25 years. He has covered insurance for a decade, including auto, home, life and health. Before covering insurance, Les was a news editor and reporter for Patch and Community Newspaper Company and also covered health care, mortgages, credit cards and personal loans for multiple websites.
What inspires Les:  Your home is likely your biggest investment so it’s essential to get coverage that properly covers you and your property. I enjoy helping homeowners understand insurance so they can choose the right coverage for them.
Penny Gusner

Forbes Advisor Senior Writer

Penny Gusner

Penny Gusner is a senior insurance writer and analyst at Forbes Advisor. For more than 20 years, she has been helping consumers learn how insurance laws, data, trends, and coverages affect them. Penny enjoys translating the complexities of insurance into easy-to-understand advice and tips to help consumers make the best choices for their needs. Her work has been featured in numerous major media outlets.
What inspires Penny:  I like researching what special coverage features and discounts home insurers have to offer. Finding out the details about where certain coverage types are available and the limits offered is fulfilling. I enjoy the research and am happy to do it so others don’t have to.
Amy Danise

Forbes Advisor Editor

Amy Danise

Amy Danise is the managing editor for insurance at Forbes Advisor, which encompasses auto, home, renters, life, pet, travel, health and small business insurance. She is an experienced editor, writer and team leader with an extensive background in the insurance sector. With a career spanning more than three decades, she has focused her work on consumer-oriented publications.
What inspires Amy:  You might think that home insurance is static but it’s ever-evolving. Drones are sent to evaluate storm damage, predictive modeling can better anticipate future disasters, and smart devices like water-leak detection systems can reduce damage. I enjoy following these developments.
Michelle Megna

Forbes Advisor Editor

Michelle Megna

Michelle Megna is a lead editor for insurance at Forbes Advisor. She has been a journalist for over 35 years, writing about insurance for consumers for the last decade. Prior to covering insurance, Michelle was: a lifestyle reporter, a magazine editor covering consumer technology; a foreign correspondent; and a local newspaper reporter.
What inspires Michelle: It’s easy to misunderstand exactly how home insurance works. And the last thing anyone wants when disaster strikes is another unpleasant surprise when they file a home insurance claim. My goal is to educate homeowners about how their coverage works so they know what to expect when they have to file a claim.
Jason Metz

Forbes Advisor Editor

Jason Metz

As a former claims handler and fraud investigator, Jason Metz has worked on a multitude of complex and multifaceted claims. The insurance industry can be seemingly opaque, and Jason enjoys breaking down confusing terms and products to help others make well-informed decisions.
What inspires Jason: We accumulate so much stuff over the years, it’s easy to lose track of how much we actually own and what’s valuable to us. I enjoy helping people get the right coverage in place so if a disaster strikes, they’re able to repair or replace all of the things inside their house that make it a home.
Ashlee Valentine

Forbes Advisor Editor

Ashlee Valentine

Ashlee Valentine is an insurance editor, journalist and business professional with an MBA and more than 17 years of experience in business and personal finance. She is passionate about empowering others to protect life’s most important assets. When Ashlee isn’t spreading insurance knowledge or solving television murder mysteries, she enjoys spending time with her family (including the furry and feathery ones) on their farm in Kentucky.
What inspires Ashlee: When buying or building a home, it’s easy to get caught up in the stresses of the process and rush to get a home insurance policy just to satisfy mortgage lender requirements. I enjoy thinking through what shoppers are going through in their lives, at the time, and giving them what they need in a reliable and convenient way so they feel informed and confident.
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