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As a nation with one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world, chances are you have a furry friend living in your household.

According to CHOICE, 69% of Australians have a pet, while the current pet population stands at an estimated 28.7 million.

While we splurge on creature comforts—tasty treats, fluffy beds and plenty of toys to keep our animals in good spirits—maintaining their health is also a top priority. That means routine veterinary visits and medical treatments if our pets have a health problem.

Pet insurance is one way to offset some of the costs associated with a pet’s health care.

Related: Our Pick Of The Best Comprehensive Pet Insurance Policies In Australia

Pet Insurance Plan Types Comparison

Examples of veterinary expenses Accident & illness pet insurance plans Accident-only pet insurance plans Routine wellness plans (usually an add-on)
Accidents and injuries Poisonings, sprains and ACL ruptures Yes Yes No
Common illness Ear infections, vomiting and diarrhea Yes Yes No
Serious illness Cancer, diabetes and heart disease Yes (coverage for certain conditions could depend on the plan) No No
Hereditary conditions Blood disorders, eye disorders and hip dysplasia Yes No No
Testing and diagnostics Blood tests, ultrasounds and CT scans Yes (for accident and illness-related tests and diagnostics) Yes (for accident-related tests and diagnostics) No
Procedures Chemotherapy, endoscopies and surgeries Yes (for accident or illness-related procedures) Yes (for accident-related procedures) No
Prescription medications Medication to help with pain and inflammation Yes (for accident or illness-related medications) Yes (for accident-related medications) No
Holistic and alternative treatments Acupuncture and chiropractic Yes Yes No
Wellness exams Routine checkups, flea and heartworm prevention, and vaccination No No Yes
Source: Forbes Advisor analysis of pet insurance policies. Exact coverage will depend on the pet insurance plan you choose.

What’s Covered by Pet insurance?

Pet insurance is a kind of health insurance policy that pays a portion of a pet’s medical bills for such things as accidents, illnesses and wellness visits. You can purchase a comprehensive policy that covers a wide range of health-related problems. Some plans even cover costs such as microchipping or end-of-life expenses for a pet.

Here’s what is commonly covered by the best pet insurance plans.

Accidents and injuries

This covers medical expenses for accidents such as:

  • ACL ruptures
  • Bite wounds
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts
  • Electrocution or burns
  • Motor vehicle incidents
  • Swallowed objects
  • Toxic ingestions
  • Traumatic tooth fractures

Behavioral Therapy

This covers costs associated with behavioral therapy for problems such as:

  • Aggression
  • Destructive chewing
  • Excessive barking

Chronic illnesses

This covers medical expenses for chronic illnesses such as:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Digestive problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease
  • Seizures
  • Skin conditions
  • Some autoimmune diseases

Common illnesses

This covers medical expenses for common illnesses such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Ear infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin irritation
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vomiting

Hereditary conditions

This covers medical expenses for hereditary conditions such as:

  • Blood disorders
  • Eye disorders
  • Hip dysplasia

Holistic and Alternative Procedures

This covers expenses such as:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Laser therapy

Microchip Implantation

This covers costs associated with installing:

  • A microchip to help find your pet if it goes missing

Prescription Food and Supplements

This covers costs associated with prescription and food supplements for specific health conditions covered by your policy

Prescription Medications

This covers costs associated with prescriptions for problems such as:

  • Chronic conditions
  • Infections
  • Pain and inflammation


This covers the cost of medical procedures such as:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Endoscopies
  • Hospitalizations
  • Nursing care
  • Surgeries

Serious Illnesses

This covers medical expenses for serious illnesses such as:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease

Testing and Diagnostics

This covers the cost of testing and diagnostic procedures such as:

  • Blood tests
  • CT scans
  • MRIs
  • Ultrasounds
  • X-rays

Wellness Procedures

This covers expenses such as:

  • Flea and heartworm prevention
  • Neutering
  • Routine wellness exams
  • Spaying
  • Vaccinations

Types of Pet Insurance Plans

The three most common types of pet insurance plans are accident and illness, accident-only and wellness policies. What each one covers depends on the policy you buy.

Accident and Illness Coverage

This type of plan is the most common pet insurance plan and covers a wide range of problems, including accidents (such as a torn ACL or swallowing a foreign object) and illnesses (such as allergies, cancer and ear infections).


  • Covers both accident and illness-related problems.
  • Covers chronic illnesses and hereditary conditions.
  • Helps pay for accident and illness-related diagnostic tests, procedures and hospitalisations.
  • Helps pay for accident and illness-related medical prescriptions.


  • More expensive than other types of coverage.
  • Doesn’t pay for wellness exams.

Accident-Only Coverage

This type of plan only covers accident-related medical expenses, such as a torn cruciate ligament or lacerations from dog bites. It does not cover illness-related expenses like ear infections and cancer.


  • Costs less than accident and illness coverage.
  • Helps pay for accident-related diagnostic tests, procedures and hospitalisations.
  • Helps pay for accident-related medical prescriptions.


  • Doesn’t cover illnesses.
  • Doesn’t cover hereditary issues.
  • Doesn’t pay for wellness exams.

Wellness Coverage

Routine wellness plans are optional add-ons offered by many pet insurers. They cover wellness-related expenses, such as annual wellness exams, flea and tick prevention and vaccinations. You can usually add a wellness plan to an accident and illness policy but not an accident-only policy.


  • Covers wellness exams.
  • Covers flea, tick and heartworm prevention.
  • Covers vaccinations.


  • Cannot be purchased as a standalone policy.
  • Cannot be added to an accident-only policy.

Extras to Pet Insurance

You may be able to add extra coverage with optional add-ons. For example, Trupanion sells a Pet Owner Assistance Package that covers non-veterinary problems like advertising and rewards for lost pets, boarding fees for your pet if you are hospitalised, cremation or burial for deaths caused by an accident, and liability coverage if your pet causes property damage to others.

What’s Not Covered by Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance plans have common exclusions, such as:

  • Pre-existing conditions. A pre-existing condition is an injury or illness that your pet had before your coverage started. Some plans may not permanently exclude pre-existing conditions. For example, provider RACQ may extend coverage if your vet certifies that your pet has been symptom-free for at least 18 months, and the condition is not lifelong and can be cured.
  • Experimental treatment. This includes diagnosis and treatments that are considered experimental, investigational or not within the standard of care accepted by your state’s veterinary medical board.
  • Grooming. Pet insurance typically doesn’t cover grooming services such as baths, dips, shampoos or nail trims.
  • Food, dietary and nutritional supplements. Your pet’s regular dietary expenses are not covered, but some plans cover prescription food and supplements.
  • Non-veterinary expenses. This includes expenses for waste disposal services, record access or copying, any license or certification and compliance with a government rule or regulation (such as a dog license).

Does Pet Insurance Cover Pet Liability?

Pet insurance companies may offer liability coverage in case your dog bites someone or destroys someone else’s property.

Those types of incidents are generally covered by your homeowners insurance. For example, if your dog bites someone and you’re sued, the liability coverage in your home insurance will generally pay for medical expenses and even a legal defense. For example, Trupanion’s Pet Owner Assistance package covers a pet’s property damage to others, up to $25,000.

How Does Pet Insurance Work In Australia?

Pet insurance plans are typically reimbursement-based, meaning you’ll pay up front for your pet’s vet bills, then submit a claim for reimbursement. You can take your pet to a licensed veterinarian of your choice.

Here’s an example of how a pet insurance claim would work:

  • You take your pet to the veterinarian for an ear infection.
  • You pay the veterinarian bill.
  • You submit a claim to the pet insurance company, which includes a copy of the vet’s invoice and medical records.
  • Your pet insurance company will review your claim based on the policy. If the problem is covered, your insurer will send you reimbursement.

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

According to CHOICE, a pet insurance plan can cost anything between $180 and $4,500.

The cost of pet insurance is going to depend on several factors, typically including:

  • The type, gender and breed of animal. Some breeds are predisposed to certain illnesses, which will result in higher pet insurance rates. For example, large dog breeds are more prone to heart and hip issues and have higher medication costs.
  • The pet’s age. As your pet gets older, it is more likely to need to go to the vet, which will translate into higher pet insurance rates at policy renewal times.
  • Pre-existing conditions. Medical conditions that existed before you bought the pet insurance generally aren’t covered. But some pet insurance plans will cover conditions that were cured and then later return.
  • Your location. Average veterinary costs in your area will affect the plan price.
  • Coverage types. You’ll pay more for a comprehensive plan that covers accidents, illness and routine wellness compared to a plan that covers only accidental injuries.
  • Deductible and reimbursement level. You’ll pay more for having a lower deductible and higher reimbursement level. For example, a plan that offers 90% reimbursement will cost more than the same plan with 70% reimbursement.

Generally, it’s more expensive to insure a dog than a cat.

Related: How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

A good way to figure out if pet insurance is worth it is to consider how a major unexpected veterinary bill for an accident or illness would impact your personal finances compared to the annual cost of pet insurance.

For example, if your playful pooch chases a ball a little too hard and tears their hind ACL, the medical expenses associated with surgery could run into thousands of dollars. If you had pet insurance with a $100 deductible and 90% reimbursement level, a $3,000 surgery would end up only costing you $400 out of pocket ($100 deductible + 10% cost of surgery = $400).

But while pet insurance can end up saving you big time in case of a serious accident or injury, it’s also an expense you want to consider. If you paid an average $500 per year for accident and illness coverage over a 10-year period, you would pay $5,000 in pet insurance premiums. Some pet owners might prefer setting aside money in a savings account for a pet’s medical needs.

If keeping aside thousands of dollars in savings for your pet isn’t feasible, then pet insurance can be worth it as a way to avoid plunking down your credit card for a major vet bill.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does pet insurance cover vaccines?

A standard accident and illness pet insurance plan does not cover vaccines. You will need to add optional wellness coverage to your plan if you want coverage for vaccines. A wellness plan also covers other types of expenses, such as routine wellness visits and tick and heartworm prevention.

Does pet insurance pay out if my dog dies?

The cost of essential euthanasia may be covered on your insurance plan. It’s best to check with your provider or in the product disclosure statement. Note that cover is unlikely to extend to euthanasia if the reason is the result of a pre-existing condition.

Do any pet insurance providers cover pre-existing conditions?

Some Australian pet insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions if they are considered a “curable” condition, such as bladder infections and ear infections. Pet insurance companies typically do not cover pre-existing conditions if they are considered “incurable,” such as arthritis, cancer and heart disease.

Why do pet insurance policies have waiting periods?

A waiting period is one way that insurers prevent fraud for claims that are pre-existing conditions.

All pet insurance companies have waiting periods. This is the amount of time between when you purchase a policy and when coverage kicks in. For example, it’s common to have a 14-day waiting period before a policy covers illness-related medical expenses.

Pet insurance is designed for unexpected illnesses and accidents. Without a waiting period, a pet owner could see illness symptoms in their pet, buy a pet insurance policy, go to the vet and make an insurance claim.

Not all pet insurance companies have the same waiting period. For example, Trupanion has a five-day waiting period for injuries and a 30-day waiting period for illness, while the RSPCA has no waiting period for injuries but its policyholders must wait 30 days before they can claim for illness, and six months before claiming for cruciate ligament treatment.

Is there a full coverage pet insurance policy that covers everything?

A ‘comprehensive’ pet insurance policy typically refers to an accident and illness plan with optional wellness coverage, but even the best pet insurance plan doesn’t cover everything.

All pet insurance plans exclude incurable pre-existing conditions. For example, if your pet developed diabetes before you purchased a pet insurance plan, you wouldn’t be covered for diabetes-related medical expenses.

Does pet insurance cover hip dysplasia?

Some pet insurance companies cover hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is a bilateral illness that impacts both sides of the body. Policies that cover hip dysplasia include Trupanion, which covers the ailment regardless of age. Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance pays out up to $7,600 per hip for surgery on the joints (with a yearly sub-limit per hip) on all its plans, with the exception of the Indoor Cat plan.

If you’re interested in getting a policy that covers hip dysplasia, make sure to get confirmation from the company about which policies cover the health problem and any exclusions and waiting periods.

What is the most affordable pet insurance in Australia?

Your pet insurance costs will vary depending on several factors, including your pet’s age, breed, gender, your coverage choices and where you live.

For the average Australian pet owner, insurance can cost $20 – $60 per month. However, securing a plan for $20 can be a false economy if it doesn’t provide sufficient cover. Remember to weigh up the price against what the plan offers.

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