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Tips for Handling Food Following a Disaster

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If any type of unexpected emergency strikes your community, you may not have access to fresh food, water or electricity for days, maybe weeks. This web page is a portal site that will provide you with useful information so you can be prepared when an emergency strikes, and know how to keep your food and water safe during and after an emergency. Remember, preparation is the key!

On this web page, we’re providing information by type of emergency, i.e., hurricane, flood, fire; and general tips for food and water safety in an emergency.

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Food Safety

Water Safety

  • FEMA: Build a Kit – Water Tips for storing water in preparation for an emergency.
  • FEMA: Managing Water Guidance on safe and unsafe sources of water and water treatment methods.

Hurricanes and Floods

  • USDA: Consumer's Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes (English and Spanish)
  • FDA: Consumer's Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes (English, Spanish, and French)


Page updated: June 12, 2024