The always Edgy Cameron House. Queen Street West.

Cameron has a long history on Queen West and many of today's top musicians started their career there. The outside has always interesting mural and the ants, despite their creepiness have certain draw. The building is from 1880 (build for Angus Cameron dry goods store) It became a hotel in 1920's and in the 1980's the street level morphed into entertainment venue. Some of the performers lived upstairs at one time or other. Cameron was one of the first venues which launched Queen West edginess. I rarely frequent this place. Somehow, I do not feel that I fit.

This mural is from John Abrams (2012) . It depicts a scene from Hitchcock movie Vertigo (Kim Novak). It was replaced by another Abrams murals few years later. Abrams has painted every mural on this wall since 1984.


1000. Toronto 2013-Jun 30, P1150516; Upload 2022-April 18. Lmx -ZS5.







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Uploaded on April 18, 2022
Taken on June 30, 2013