Full Body Portrait

And we’re ending Spring Polaroid Week with more Dae! Dae has a great personality, she’s a great hang, and she loved the photos. Every time I got it right, she just made me want to do better on the next shot. I feel like all of my shoots from last month really flowed well, just a great group of people I all managed to find on Instagram (despite it’s flaws), and this one was a real highlight. I don’t know what gave me the idea to try this shot, probably people telling me in the past that I never take full length body shots. Not everyone is as enamored with getting up close as I am. So here we have compromise. Everything they want, my way. | (Spring) Polaroid Week 2024- Day 6 #2. | It’s been a great week! So many amazing shot here on Flickr, so many comments and interactions and life here on this corner of the internet. I can’t wait to do if again in the fall, because I have sooooooo much more to share!!

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Uploaded on April 26, 2024