And then three buses all come along at once...

or something like that…


Apologies for the post and run but its a very busy day for me (i thought sunday was a day of rest). Woken at 6.30am (after at most 3 hours sleep) by an excited psychedelic surfer (thats him in the picture) telling me the bay was offshore and the waves were peeling across the whole bay. If you're a surfer, you cant ignore that sort of message however tired you are! Got there to find it as good as he had said and getting better! had some great rides but after a few hours tiredness, a growing swell and strong offshore meant i'd had enough! off now to play in the indoor cricket league (i'm the captain of our team, i cant cry off) and then have two web meetings set up this afternoon / evening (it was the only time available). REckon i'll be ready for a proper sleep when i get home tonight!


Will catch up with you all asap. And if anyone wants to join in and do a soul-surfing blog please let me know



©2009 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved

This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.

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Uploaded on November 8, 2009
Taken on January 21, 2009