The Chinatown accident
While walking along Dundas Street West in Chinatown on April 14th , 2010, I heard a alerting yell and when I turned I saw a girl bounce off the hood of a car and fall to the ground. The man appeared to be driving quite fast and the girl didn't seem to be paying attention as she crossed mid-block. I debated whether it was appropriate to stop and take a few shots, but 1) I felt this was a photojournalistic opportunity and 2) I thought I should perhaps record the event in case she was badly hurt and he tried to make a run for it. She remarkably got up quite quickly and it looked like she only had a few knee and arm scrapes - she was very lucky. I overheard someone ask for a 911 call, however the police never showed up. As things seems to settle down and the majority of the crowd dispersed, I asked the girl if she was ok - she said she was ok, although she still looked rather shocked and he appeared rather in shock himself. When he took her into a nearby pharmacy with a few other witnesses and no police showed up, I went on my way.
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