Ryerson Engineering 2010 Charity Bug Push for Sick Kids
I heard about this great charity event on the radio and made a point to go out and capture a few shots when they wrapped up their 24 hours on Thursday March 4, 2010.

Josh was the spokesperson for the group and the one in most of my photos. There was a large group of Ryerson University students on the committee and they had about 30 people help with the 24 hour push. They even got some people just passing by to help push for a little while. This was the 8th year Ryerson has done this and the 2nd year for this 1957 VW Bug. They had a pretty serious emergency this time around when the axle broke, in the last shot in the set you can see how they fixed it - the amazing thing, Josh fixed this while lying on his stomach as the guys continued to push it around the loop (and keeping with rule that the car had to keep for 24 hours).

Next year, they plan to have a bigger sound system. Well done lads.
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