Paprihaven 1626



The... event? Incident? How to identify it?* Both men realize that now, even though it has just ended, trying to remember any particular aspect is like grasping sand.


Whatever it was, it fades quickly and they are back on Highway 35. **


The air is cool and it is far too silent after what they've just experienced. Bond's cough sounds like an explosion. Batman gets to his feet, not even admitting to himself how unsteady he is.


Batman checks his uniform, and then looks out at the landscape. All seems the same. He hears the MI6 agent behind him adjusting his gear. Bond breaks the silence.


"Were you expecting that?"


"Hrn. It was what I thought it would be, but... there is no expecting what it felt like."


"It wasn't just feeling. It was... I don't know. All the senses, sight, sound, taste, everything was heightened but incredibly unfocused. Vague. I was myself but..."


"Different. Do you understand what Paprihaven is?"


"Queen Alice explained it as a nexus."***


"A nexus of parallel realities. You and I obviously exist in more than one. Many, a few, I don't know. The nexus opened for a moment and we converged."


"Well, at least we're back to ourselves again."


Batman turns toward Bond for the first time. Something was bothering him and now he recognized it was the man's accent. The Caped Crusader stifles any show of surprise, though he is shocked.


It's not the same man.




Deluxe Collector 13"


2005, DC Direct


James Bond

Live And Let Die

2003, Sideshow Toys


* Just last episode, in fact!


** Where their encounter began, as seen in episode 1623!


*** She did! As seen in Paprihaven episode 1439:

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Uploaded on March 14, 2024
Taken on March 14, 2024