Tree on Fire

Yes, its that tree. Yes, I waited in a 40 minute line queue to shoot it this time. Yes, I do feel like I need to confess to the photographic community my sins of horrible un-originality. Whats that? Didn't I just post an image of this tree a few days ago? Well, yes. No, mine does not look like the others. Ok, maybe it kind of does. This image is taken about a week after the post I made previously. This tree changes colors fast. I wanted to post this one too just to show the contrasts between the two images. I actually had to clone out a lens peeking into the frame from the guy next to me. Ahhhh, the solitude of landscape photography, just you, the wind, the trees, the nature, and 40 other dudes with cameras that are way better than yours Grrr. Happy Fall.

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Uploaded on November 7, 2018
Taken on October 29, 2018