Autumnal Colour (Explore Front Page)

Finally, back on Flickr and it feels great. A bit of a DIY accident at home; I was foolishly opening a can of paint with a chisel (I know!) when I slipped, stabbing my other hand. I managed to nick a blood vessel in the process as it went in really deep. A trip to hospital, some stitches and a few weeks later I have finally managed to get out to take some photos. It's one of those accidents where at the time it did not even cross my mind, but looking back I cannot believe I was being such an idiot. It's going to take several more weeks before its back to normal but it was nice to be able to use my camera again.


A trip to Stourhead with some friends, a perfect location for some photography. When we arrived the weather looked like it was going to be a wash out. But after about half hour, the skies opened and it was fantastic. I needed to capture a shot for a monthly challenge entitled 'Autumnal Colour'.


I will get round to catching up with everyones photos over the next few days, I have been looking at all your photos, but typing one handed has been a bit cumbersome.

158 faves
Uploaded on November 8, 2009
Taken on November 7, 2009