Freedom's just another word (Polaroid)







In the previous Polaroid I showed you a luxury hotel. This van is part of an encampment of homeless people also living alongside the river just a few hundred metres away. But their worlds may as well be continents apart. Of all the Polaroids I have taken this week for Flickr's Polaroid Week, this one is the most important.


Can you read the sign that has been scrawled quickly on the road in front of the van? I've reproduced it above, with spelling mistakes included. Perhaps leaving the "r" off "freedom" is deliberate. We do live in a fee-dom, a fiefdom of sorts, where people with all the money are getting richer by the day and more and more people are being reduced to poverty and servitude.


They cannot afford to pay off their mortgages or local council rates, have lost their jobs, have lost their sense of dignity and have been reduced to the level of serfs. Welcome to the new Serfdom. It's happening all over the world. And if you don't see it, you are deliberately closing your eyes to the truth because you can't handle the truth!


Don't be fooled by governments who say they care for their citizens. As George Carlin reminded us all before he died, they don't because we're not in their club! But let George tell the story:

George Carlin - The big club


Taken with the Polaroid Now camera on I-Type instant film.

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Uploaded on April 27, 2024
Taken on April 23, 2024