where in the world 634 - kea at Milford Sound

shot by KHWD from the safety of our motorhome, these birds although playful can be lethal


The Kea (Nestor notabilis) is a remarkable species of large parrot found exclusively on the South Island of New Zealand. Here are some fascinating facts about these alpine birds:


Habitat and Range:

Kea inhabit forested and alpine regions, thriving in mountainous areas above the tree line.

Their range is limited to the South Island of New Zealand1.

Physical Characteristics:

Kea measure 46 to 50 cm (18 to 20 inches) in total length, with some individuals possibly reaching 55 cm (22 inches).

Adult kea weigh between 750 and 1,000 grams (1.65 to 2.20 pounds).

They have olive-green plumage, brilliant orange feathers under their wings, and a large, curved, grey-brown upper beak1.

Intelligence and Behavior:

Kea are known for their intelligence and curiosity, essential for survival in the harsh mountain environment.

They can solve logical puzzles, use tools, and work together to achieve objectives.

Kea’s in-flight call is represented as ‘keee aaa,’ which likely inspired their name1.

Conservation Status:

Once hunted for bounty due to concerns that they attacked livestock (especially sheep), kea are now uncommon.

They received absolute protection under the Wildlife Act in 19861.

Unique Adaptation:

Kea are the world’s only alpine parrots, adapted to thrive in high-altitude environments2.

Next time you’re in New Zealand, keep an eye out for these intelligent and charismatic birds! ️

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Uploaded on January 11, 2024
Taken on July 7, 2024