“If someone wants a sheep, then that means that he exists” - 43/365

LOL that quote is by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. His quotes are so beautiful and i find this one very cute. Oh and that sheep is from Holland >:] I love it so much!


I downloaded a ton of Andrew Bird songs a few days ago !!! He rocks! His song Imitosis and Beware and amaaazing.


okokok! Funny story! This morning i go to my school office to hand in my volunteer hours. So i pull out the volunteer sheet from my folder and give it to the lady and she thanks me and I thank you her we go on with our day. Then lunch comes around and i'm looking in the folder from which i took out the volunteer sheet AND THE VOLUNTEER SHEET IS RIGHT THERE :|:|:|

I'm thinking 'wait...... if it's here... THEN WHAT THE HELL DID I HAND IN?! Seriously if she looks at it and it's my math homework she'll think i'm crazy..."


Turns out i handed in my volunteer HOUR (yeah it was only one -.-) from like last year so i have to go back there tomorrow morning and hand in my other 6. Seriously fml.


It was really funny though!



And another funny story!

I have this collection of mini dior perfumes and to put them on i tip them and a little bit of perfume comes out of the small opening on the top. APPARENTLY one bottle had an opening that was bigger than the rest so i tip it and i get freaking SHOWERED in perfume :| I was like a walking SCENT the whole day. And i felt woozy the whole day.


Alright! I have to start on my math (-.- math...)

Have a great day everyone!



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Uploaded on November 4, 2009
Taken on November 4, 2009