Dog Encounter

It was time to look for somewhere (dog-friendly) to eat lunch, so we headed back to the shops. On our way back we spotted a Corgi-like dog laying on the side of the road. As we passed by and talked gently to it, and elderly woman tried to call it back. It slowly got up and ambled up to Lina.


The woman stopped talking to her neighbours and came over and we had a lovely conversation with her. She told us her two dogs weren't Corgis but Swedish Vallhunds. This one was one of twins, but when the twin died, she rescued another to keep him company. Both dogs let us pet them and they were gorgeous.


This boy is the dog we spotted first and we couldn't walk past without petting him! Talking to the old woman is one of the highlights of my trip!

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Uploaded on August 22, 2021
Taken on August 7, 2021