Family Outing


On this International Women's Day, I thought I'd post an image of a mother providing for her family.


This is one of my personal favourite images from my most recent trip to the Masai Mara, Kenya in 2022.


This cheetah familly was on a 'family outing'. Mom, known as Kweli, was leading her three cubs on a hunt. She led the cubs from termite mound to termite mound,-only briefly stopping on each one-to look for prey. She first attempted to capture a gazelle but was unsuccessful. She then regrouped, crossed a riverbed, and then successfully caught an impala for her family. Following that she called the cubs over to eat, but she herself was far too tired to eat for nearly a half hour. It's amazing how hard mothers of all different species work for their families.


Let us be grateful for the contribution of moms around the world!


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Uploaded on March 8, 2024
Taken on August 23, 2022