Wynia Family Portrait

Since we can't go visit family during the holidays this year due to the whole global pandemic thing, Jean (my wife, the curly haired gal on the left) suggested that we do a family portrait so the rest of the family doesn't forget what we look like. So we did a casual portrait in the back yard last weekend. This shot was taken with a wireless remote and he camera on a tripod. To get Jasper to look at the camera, I set a treat on top of the camera. But I also put his Oddball off to the side of the camera. Interestingly Jasper kept staring at the Oddball rather than the treat. Oh well, he's looking in the general direction of the camera anyway. He didn't even request a treat after the picture was taken. He just wanted to play! And play we did

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Uploaded on December 1, 2020
Taken on November 29, 2020