i don't pretend to have these things figured out.

quote from jon foreman, the frontman of switchfoot. he's so articulate. and i loved the piece i got it from, an article in alternative press. after i show it to my friend, i'm going to hang it on my wall.

this was from a plane on my way back from puerto rico :)

sorry for being so absent!!! i was gone for a week, and there was internet in the hotel lobby, but that just ruins the whole point of going away, now, doesn't it?

so, seventeen in comments :O

yes, seventeen.i had twenty before, so you should all be grateful i could narrow it down to just this much :P

all sooc, except straightening. and some i just didn't feel like straightening. so there.



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Uploaded on November 7, 2009
Taken on November 6, 2009