Salt River Bend

A 350 mile journey begins with one step.


Saturday night William McIntosh and I made some plans to head up to Julia Pfeiffer State Beach to photograph Keyhole Arch during the winter solstice. During the winter solstice the sun lines up through the arch and has produced some magical captures and is a popular destination for many photographers. The following morning Bill called at 7:30am and said that the weather had turned up north and we decided to head the other direction towards the southwest, After spending a half hour looking at the radar and Skyfire we decided to head to a spot 6 hours away just past Phoenix Arizona to the Salt River Bend.

As we traveled, the weather started clearing more and more and by the time we got on location the clouds almost cleared out of the sky completely but luckily as the sun dipped to the horizon we did catch some last minute color in the sky.

This is an 8 image panorama stitched together in Lightroom and in an effort of full disclosure, was unhappy with the size of the moon when shooting at 11mm so I had the presence of mind to grab the longest lens in my bag at the time, a 24-105mm and snapped a second shot of the moon and replaced the tiny moon in the original composition with the one shot with the longer lens. I know some people object to this but I'm trying to sell prints here people. LOL :)


If you have any questions about this photo or about photography in general, I will do my best to help, just post a comment or send me a Flickr mail and I will respond as quickly as possible.


For those of you new to photography, I would like to provide you with some very helpful videos that might help you get more from your photography. They were very useful to me while I was learning and I hope that they will help you out as well. Just click the Youtube link below and click "Playlists" there are pre-made playlists on everything you could ever want to know about photography. I hope you enjoy them and as always my friends "Happy Shooting"


Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my photos, and as always, your views, comments, faves, and support are greatly appreciated!! Have a great weekend ahead everybody!! :)


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Uploaded on December 16, 2016
Taken on December 11, 2016