Hoover Dam (Lowest water levels on lake Mead)

I took this picture back in May when I visited Hoover Dam and the water levels were surprisingly low ... even tho I can only assume they must be even lower now !


I researched this and seems like Lake Mead is currently at the LOWEST level ever (excluding the time before the dam was built and was filling up, obviously) and is as of June at 1075.08 feet (was at 1076.57 during May when this picture was taken) which is a problem for the people who rely on it for their water supply and the electricity that the dam generates.


Engineers are working on installing new turbines that could work even if the water falls below 950 feet !


NOTE: All of the photographs I post on Flickr are Copyrighted, if you need to use them in any way please send me a request by Flickr Mail.

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Uploaded on July 7, 2015
Taken on May 13, 2015