Brooklyn Bridge

Nikki and I got back from New York about an hour ago. I'm 20% done downloading the images I took but here's one just to give me something to show this weekend. I have a busy week ahead so don't expect to be able to post anything serious until probably next weekend at the earliest.


Yesterday morning, I headed to the financial district with a few shots in mind and figured I would also take a quick look at the Yankees' ticker tape parade that was going on. In the end, I got caught in a crowd of about half a million people and ended up spending most of my time trying to get out of said crowd, navigate may way around many apparently gratuitously positioned police barriers and get back to midtown and our hotel.


Prior to getting mixed up in the melee, I had walked across the Brooklyn Bridge (taking this and many more cliched shots on the way over) then wandered around Brooklyn itself before walking back.


I think yesterday's route probably had me walking about 15 miles over 7 hours with a similar march the previous day. My legs are still complaining but I'm happy to have about 600 exposures to sort through now and a lot of HDRs to process.


If you like my photos, your vote in the 2009 Photoblog Awards would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


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Uploaded on November 8, 2009
Taken on November 6, 2009