The movie "Chimères Absentes"
Chimères Absentes (Absent Dreams) is the story of Sonietcka, a Roma girl, who cannot afford to eat in the school canteen because her family is too poor. Only Malvina, her music teacher (played by Fanny Ardant), is brave enough to cross social and cultural borders and discover the complexity, richness and freedom of the Roma tradition and culture.

This short film was shot on the outskirts of Rome, Italy, with both a cast of professional actors (Francesco Montanari and Paolo Triestino) and the Roma people themselves.

Chimères Absentes is the first in a series of short films produced by ART for The World within the collective film project entitled THEN AND NOW Beyond Borders and Differences, involving outstanding independent artists and filmmakers from the five continents. Inspired by Article 18 of UDHR, Article 9 of the Council of Europe ECHR and Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union whereby, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion”, the project aims to highlight awareness on the complexity of cultures and beliefs, promoting social inclusiveness and tolerance.

Chimères Absentes is associated with the Council of Europe Dosta! Campaign against prejudices and stereotypes towards Roma in Europe.

Photo Sandro Weltin/ © Council of Europe

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