CoE art collection
The Council of Europe’s various buildings are home to an extensive collection of works of art. Member and non-member states, regional and local authorities, and even artists themselves have donated works of art to the Council. These gifts symbolise their donors’ attachment to one of the oldest of Europe’s political organisations. In particular, these works bear witness to the multicultural vision of Europe’s identity that the Council of Europe promotes. Over the years, ancient and contemporary works, decorative objects, objects of technological interest, sculptures and paintings have been added to the collection. The collection is a reminder of what constitutes the very essence of European society – unity that stems from diversity.

The collection contains works in three categories: archaeological items, decorative and technological objects, and works of contemporary art.

During the Council of Europe’s first “Night of Museums” on 16 May 2009, the Palais de l’Europe in Strasbourg was turned into a vast museum. A special itinerary, positioning and lighting were designed to help visitors discover the treasures placed in and around the building. More than 4 500 people visited the Palais de l’Europe to see a selection of the works of art donated to the Council of Europe over the years.

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