Waiting for...

Dame Street, Dublin,

The story behind this : my wife and I were walking along Dame St. towards Abbey St. to catch our bus home. We'd been in Dublin Castle and took some photos - all crap - when I saw a guy who looked like Samuel Beckett. So alike that he could have been his son. He was standing at the edge of the footpath, trying to flag a taxi down. I took a couple of shots, had a look and wasn't happy. So I moved to the other side of him and took a couple more but by then he'd noticed me and was more interested in posing than his taxi. Of course, posed photos are the worst so I stopped and was just about to move away when I saw this man in the café window and snapped. I didn't check settings, just snapped. It occurred to me later that this was my 'Beckett' shot. To date, this is probably the best photo I've ever taken. Moral : just take the picture.

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Uploaded on December 6, 2018
Taken on April 15, 2018