Electronic music

Hello my amazing Flickr friends !


Today is a red day at Color my World Daily and the theme at Macro Mondays is Lockdown song. I must admit I’m very bad at music… Singing and dancing are a challenge… Also, I can listen to one song for a very, very long time without even noticing that it was playing forever… Luckily for me my husband is the one in charge of music at our home. After all, he is a very talented musician with his own awesome YouTube channel (and if you want to see by yourself here is the link: www.youtube.com/c/NuTrixTheSynthGuy/about). And my husband si truly into electronic music so that is our main lockdown musical genre playing everyday. If i have to name one band it is Daft Punk for sure.


My picture was inspired by electronic music and you can see some kind of device to make music (I have absolutely no idea how does it work so dont ask me…). Of course, Red Lady, who was a very successful DJ few years ago, is here with us since she loves electronic music !!


I hope you will like this picture my friends ! I wish you all an amazing day and a beautiful new week !! See you later !!


Thank you so much for all your lovely comments / favs/ general support / happy thoughts!! Stay safe and well!! And see you soon on Flickr !!

293 faves
Uploaded on January 25, 2021
Taken on January 24, 2021