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Meet Edwina Paynesworth-Wiggens, former star of the Pennywise Circus, world renowned tightrope walker, and wild animal tamer. Her life was anything but normal at home and people always looked at her family strangely. She never fit in anywhere. Even being voted homecoming queen by her class turned out to be nothing but a cruel joke.


Edwina never knew real joy and happiness until she met Hayworth Wiggens and her whole world turned upside down, literally. He was a dashing young man, driving his crazy clown car through their little town, and even through his clown makeup and puffy suit she could see this was the man she loved. Before she knew it she was swept up in the life of a circus performer. Not only did her romance with her clown flourish but her skills and career skyrocketed to fame and fortune.


The days of torment behind her, she lived the life she always dreamed of with her love by her side. Until one fateful moonlit evening her world came crashing down. An unsupervised child wandered away from his family at the circus show and somehow managed to trip over a cord, causing it to come loose and start a chain reaction that turned into one of the worst recorded circus disasters ever known. Edwina was in the middle of her act on the tightrope, her love doing a clown rescue act below in a cram packed car full of his clown posse. As the tightrope came loose the shrieks and cries of the crowd could not silence the thoughts in her mind as she plummeted towards the ground. There was no safety net. Her body came to a halt as it crashed into the clown car below, a fatal blow to all of the clowns inside.


The papers the next day could only show the big red shoes and honking noses laying scattered on the ground. They couldn't show her hand, plunged into Hayworth's chest, found grasping his heart as she lay there unconscious. They couldn't show the expression on her face when she awoke and her sanity quickly slipped away in a fleeting moment. Edwina survived the fall but would never be the same. Her family brought her back home but she was broken in mind, heart, and soul.


Written by me.

Photo taken on location in Second Life.


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