To The Rim

BAH.... I think perhaps I set the bar too high for myself with my MARTINI SHOTS..... I feel as though I should like this shot alot more than I do, but it was such a pain in the ass to shoot that I wasn't going to not post it.


When I originally had this idea I thought I could leave the glass empty and have it float with the rim at the waterline - apparently I learned nothing about displacement in school. That being said, with an empty glass the reflections may have ruined the shot anyways.


As well - I have this really cool ice-cube tray that makes completely square cubes. They remain square in your hand or in liquid for all of 10 seconds. :(


The other problem is that I had no way to hold the glass still and the batteries in my wireless remote are dead. This meant that I only had a 3 foot cable to work with and that damn glass would not stay still!!

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Uploaded on June 18, 2009
Taken on June 18, 2009