
Brendan Perry - Crescent (Ark)


Entered : Golden star challenge - MAGIC AND FANTASY - March 15 to April 14 of 2016


I do not know why my imagination more and more projects in these unexplored worlds, perhaps in this world is so hard to dream that I need to do it anyway, elsewhere ....

I find that there is always a need to explore, inside and outside of us....


I hope you like it, because it is becoming a real set :)


I wish you all a good week remaining, creative and dreamy ! : )


My landscape, women and moon images in the public domain...


Thanks for your recent visit ,comment, fav and invite, always all much appreciated...: )


All rights reserved. Image can not be inserted in blogs, websites or any other form, without my written permission.

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Uploaded on March 30, 2016
Taken on November 9, 2015