Recurring Thoughts

We all have them, I suppose, or maybe they are a luxury woe of those with enough time to just sit still? But then, who says you can't have them while working, or doing chores.


Anyway, it occurred to me they're a bit like a dungeon in a video game, where you're aimlessly running around and you're sure you've been everywhere at least three times by now. Yet nonetheless, the quest object you were sent here to recover, and also the boss fight and by extension, the exit, remains nowhere to be seen.


It's probably an indicator that you've missed a door somewhere, behind which all of that is, along with the real good loot, of course. You'll find that door soon enough. Maybe the time isn't right just yet. It sure happened a fair amount that a piece of information previously unknown has lead to a small to intermediate epiphany when the brain carousel got going the next time.


And sometimes that new information was itself a result of another carousel producing something tangible at long last. It's like the mind is pushing around puzzle pieces in slow motion, until they snap into their place. Sometimes pieces emerge that connect two larger segments it had already completed. Sure feels rewarding when that happened. Like tumbling the puzzle pieces in the washing machine and they still come out assembled.

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Uploaded on July 8, 2024
Taken on June 14, 2023