John McLeod with Alex Pangman; live in Mystic Gardens.

Alex Pangman sang in a backyard at a private party and potluck (potlatch?). The singer does not perform indoors in public due to her immunity compromised condition after double lung transplant. She is a radio host at JazzFM and had mostly on-line concerts during the pandemania. It's a miracle that she is still singing. I've seen her second time in 2024. I would see her 3rd time, but her concert was cancelled due to heavy rain. This concert featured trumpeter John McLeod, Peter Hill on keyboard, Glenn Anderson on drums and pulled pork on sesame bun. Alex is using sometimes my photos to promote her gigs. It makes me happy.


344. Toronto 2024-Jun 16. P1140288; Upload 2024-Jul 03.



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Uploaded on June 29, 2024
Taken on June 16, 2024