Celebrating with the 'Noonans'. Raise the glass for 2023.

The Noonans were a sentient mammalian species native to the Outer Rim planet Noona in the Noona orbit system. Their homeworld became part of the Relgrim sector, an area of space explored between 3,000–25 BBY, (Galactic history). Contrary to popular belief The Noonans are not completely extinct; they come out at night and perform strange rituals in pockets of urban areas disguised as pubs.

Here some of the Noonans, under the name 'Swinging Black Jacks' playing for Saturday night revelers. Matt Allen, Gary Kendall and Adam David are the usual protagonists.

Noonan's Pub, renamed after current owner in Jan 2022, is an established Irish Pub since 1997.


166. Noonan's. P1480441; Taken 2022 Dec 11. Upload 2023 Jan 02.

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Uploaded on January 2, 2023
Taken on December 11, 2022