The Imbayacunas. Probably the best known Toronto street band. Beaches Jazz Fest 2022

Patricio Chiza founded the band in 1998. His name remains relatively unknown, but most festival attendees in the city can pronounce Imbayacuna. The group consist of 3-4-5 or more Ecuadorian musician and sometimes just of Patricio with his rontador (folk flute), if the pay is not enough to share. The music from Andes is melodic, infectious (the good way), danceable and always draws a crowd and attracts new fans of this popular group. The Imbayakunas recorded many CDs over the years and I always see new faces in the group. It is not always Andean music; sometimes they give a popular western song the Ecuadorian touch. Imbayakunas means strong, determined people and the years on Toronto streets prove it.


120. 2022-07 P1370053; Taken 2022 July 16. Uploaded 2022 Aug 06.


A 2015 clip of 'Imbayacunas' on College street 'Taste of Italy' festival


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Uploaded on August 6, 2022
Taken on July 21, 2022