
I caught word that NS would be running a unit windmill generator train to the port of Morehead City. I anticipated it running through at night because NS hates me, but thankfully, their own stupidity allowed me to catch it. Because their stupid asses only put one engine on it, it stalled out twice in Goldsboro, causing them to law out and park it in Hartsoe siding near La Grange. They made the decision to have P98 pick it up and bring it to New Bern and have P29 take it with their traffic the next day. I was worried I would miss it due to having school that morning, but because of them having an extra board crew that is unfamiliar with operations, as well as having a ton of regular port traffic on top of the windmill gens, they didn't even start switching until I was done with class. After a long 3 hours of watching them build their train at a snail's pace, I got them leaving town with their massive train in tow. I can't remember the last time I shot an eastbound train here at this time of day. Gotta love when NS's incompetence benefits me for once.

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Uploaded on March 14, 2024
Taken on March 12, 2024