
Listen: the wood thrush's tremulous, sugary voice

as he dips in and out of the box elder; the morning

glories who have thin, scarlet tongues, or the wind

that billows and wants to carry off the umbrella.


We sit under swaying elms enraptured by a Hallelujah

chorus of birds while the neighbors 14 year old girl

practices Mendelssohn; she desires everything, I think,

up-tempo and manic. You can hear the tarantella


wanting to crawl out of her. But her teacher calms her:

espressivo, espressivo, he says, the open window

framing them in a perfect still life. I think again

how music emanates from all that's in motion:


those hollyhocks beside the fence singing, the garden's

baseline so steady underneath us, rivers of barometrical

air that rise and fall and hum at a pitch beyond our ears.

Look at this aria of saffron light; seems each molecule


in this heart shaped leaf is a psalm, if I could hear inside

its embossed veins. How I envy what owls must hear.

Or the red squirrel, or the dog whining a block away

or the fox – red flash at meadow’s edge -- or the mole,

like Milton in his blindness.


--Miguel de O


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Uploaded on June 15, 2023
Taken on March 1, 2023