Sutro Bathed in Orange Light

The Sutro Baths in San Francisco opened in 1896 as the world’s largest indoor swimming pool complex with 6 saltwater pools, 1 freshwater pool, a 2700-seat amphitheater, and an ice skating rink. However, due to high operating costs and a fire in 1966 when the building was already in the process of being torn down, the only structures that remain are now in ruins. Today the Sutro Baths is maintained by the US National Park Service and is a scenic hiking area for locals and tourists alike.


I visited the Sutro Baths on a cool windy September day. Unfortunately, I arrived just before sunset and spent the remaining time taking pictures that I didn’t really have much time to explore the surrounding areas. I hear to the right of the picture near the rocks that there’s a tunnel leading to the other side of the rocks. There’s also a great deal of hiking trails behind my view that lead all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. The most surprising part to me was the baths were only torn down 50 years ago as the ruins appeared much older and reminded me of some Roman baths in the UK and Italy.

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Uploaded on November 27, 2016
Taken on September 4, 2016