Bisti Bones

Looking up at the main fin of the "King of Wings" in Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness ( Valley of Dreams near Bisti Badlands ). I was busy looking for a the right composition when I noticed this vertebra bone sitting right there and decided to incorporate it into the composition. It almost looks like the King of Wings hoodoo is also some ancient fossil or bone make its way out of the rock.


The hoodoos that are characteristic of the Bisti Badlands are eroded from sandstones of the Kirtland Formation. The softer white sandstones that form the stalks are often capped with the harder, more resistant brown sandstones of the Bisti Member of the Kirtland Formation.


Everywhere you look around the Bisti Badlands you find interesting hoodoos and petrified logs, sometimes seeming to be whole trees. Its a very interesting landscape and one that I would thoroughly enjoy exploring if I lived closer.


Sony A7R5 w/ Sony Fe 12-24mm F/2.8 GM

8 shots focus stacked.

ISO 100, 12mm, f/10, 1/100


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Uploaded on June 1, 2024