Welcome to my page. I hope you will find something of interest within. There are a few points below that speak of the working methods and thematic viewpoints that inform my work. Read them if you like, or, go straight to the shots by clicking on either "Photostream" or "Albums". Whatever you choose, I hope it's an interesting experience for you.


Visual creation, for me, is part of a total ‘gestalt’ ( yes, that old word ) that I try to reach through a symbiotic resonance of image, title with text commentary and the suggestion of musical accompaniment. Most of my postings have all three. These are the material or effectual aspects of the piece but even they are not the complete ‘picture’.


All the above elements are taken in and perceived differently through each viewer’s individualized consciousness. Physical givens, psychological associations with shapes, colour and form, life experience, openness of mind, imagination, personal histories, all have a play on curving the paths of perception to the contours of individuality. Vision, text and music resonate, collide with, harmonize or enliven by virtue of a series of these inner filters, some conscious, some below that. What is finally ‘seen’ is the result of all of these elements working together to, indeed, affect the final creation - what finally ‘gels’ or crystallizes as the final perception in the mind of the viewer. THAT becomes the final 'piece'.


That none of us sees the same picture, in effect, is marvellous to me.


Since there are as many ‘final pieces’ as there are viewers of a single work, then there is no one single way to view it. This ties in with one of my deepest pre-occupations, the world of Quantum Reality. In that discipline it’s been accepted that there are at least 11 possible dimensions that exist as potentia at that level. Which one becomes manifest or particularized is up to a deeper ‘implicate’ order, but the very act of observation causes one to surface and the rest of the possibilities to recede back into the Quantum Vacuum, or, as Ervin Laszlo would call it, the “Akashic Field”.


My “TumbleWorld” images are a visual attempt to call into question the tyranny of a singularity of vision and to provide a visual metaphor for the simultaneity of planes and dimensions that present themselves to us each day and out of which we chose our realities. The coming Quantum Age will see us all intrinsically inter-connected, non-locally influential and inseparably and holographically affective. My work, then, is a clumsy, first attempt at a Quantum Art, such as that might be.


By virtue of the fact that almost all of my work exists virtually and that as many as 33,000 people have viewed it in a single day on Flickr tells me something about the simultaneity and non-locality of “online art”.


As an 'online' or 'virtual' artist, then, I become a Quantum Artist as one single image can be seen simultaneously in many places around the world. Comments left by one person then become instantly available also to whomever decides to view the image. So again, the Quantum laws of non-locality, of effect happening to one "particle" being instantly transmitted to all it's counterparts and pervasive presence speaks of all our online art ... as being Quantum. Perhaps Quantum Art is here, now, already. We have only to see it that way.


Richard S Warner ( Visionheart )

Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Happy Viewing!

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