This Flickr is a sample of my exploration into glamour and art.


Reasons I may block you:


1. Don't be creepy - Most people in my pictures are my friends or people I work with on a professional level so I do not appreciate inappropriate comments towards them or inappropriate group invitations.


2. Not having original images - I don't like lurkers, people who post other people's works, or creepy stalker photographs. There's also nothing original about dick pics.


3. Inviting my photos into a private group without inviting me - That is incredibly rude.

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  • JoinedAugust 2009
  • HometownMontreal, Canada
  • CountryUSA


Write a testimonial
tranquil advertisement (deleted)

Having tried my hand at photography I quickly learned it was not as easy as it looks. The work presented by Vindictive Images shows a level of quality, skill and vision that makes the work stand out above others. Thanks for sharing and I hope to see more in the future. Dave Anderson

October 11, 2018